Thank you for volunteering as a coach for one of our ice hockey teams. Coaching young hockey players is a great and rewarding experience, and no matter what your hockey coaching background, we are sure that you will find yourself learning along with them.
The coach is responsible for the behavior of their team, assistant coaches and manager. It is becoming increasingly clear that a coach's own behavior often sets the tone for the behavior of the team. Consequently, SIHC has developed a "Code of Ethics" for its coaches. This is in addition to any guidelines for coaching that are expressed or implied by organizations that govern our sport such as USA Hockey, NYSAHA, or SCHSHL.
The purpose of this "Code of Ethics" is to provide you with an understanding of the expectations for coaches of SIHC teams. Please keep in mind that the principles governing participation and competition for our players shall include: development of physical fitness, mental alertness, leadership and good sportsmanship; recognition that the manner of play outweighs a victory, and encouragement of courtesy, gentlemanly conduct, and mutual respect for coaches, players, officials and spectators. Furthermore coaches should always remember that with this position they are coaching teenagers and not fully emotionally and physically developed adults. While coaching these young players you have been granted certain custodial responsibilities and should fully appreciate how your behavior directly influences their respect for you, each other, game officials, opponents, and their love and passion for the game.
The Head Coach should see that all members of his team, players and assistants, are aware of this philosophy and reflect it in their behavior at all SIHC events.
Note: Through this text the worh "Coach" shall apply to Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Team Managers.
Responsibilities to Players
Coaches shall never place the value of winning over the physical and emotional safety and welfare of players.
Coaches will refrain from using abusive language and behavior while representing SIHC at practices, games and events, and will discourage players from the same.
Coaches should not tolerate inappropriate behavior from players regardless of the situation.
Coaches will provide an environment for their team that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and will refrain from their use at all SIHC sporting events.
Coaches will treat each player as an individual remembering the large range of emotional and physical development that may exist for players on his team.
Coaches will do their best to organize practices that are instructional, and challenging for all players.
Coaches will review, understand, and practice the basic first aid principles needed to treat injuries to players.
Coaches shall instruct players within the laws of the game and within the spirit of the game at all times.
Coaches shall not seek unfair advantage by teaching deliberate unsportsmanlike behavior to players.
Responsibilities to the Laws of the Game
Coaches should be thoroughly acquainted with and demonstrate a working knowledge of the Game and it's rules.
Coaches are responsible for their players' actions on and off the ice during events, and will not permit them to perform with intent of causing injury to teammates or opposing players. The coach will constantly strive to teach good sporting behavior.
Responsibility to Officials
Officials must have the support of coaches and players. Coaches will refrain from abusive behavior towards game officials in the presence of players or spectators.
Professional respect, before, during and after the game, should be mutual. There should be no demeaning dialogue or gestures between officials, coaches or players.
Coaches must not incite players or spectators or attempt to disrupt the flow of the game.
Other Responsibilities
The attitude and conduct of the coach towards officials, players, spectators and coaches should be controlled and undemonstrative.
It is unacceptable for a coach to have any verbal altercation with an opposing coach or bench before, during or after the game.
Coaches should understand that repeated disregard or failure to reasonably comply, with this Code of Ethics may result in their being relieved of their privilege to coach for SIHC