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Sachem Ice Hockey Available Scholarships

JB 96 Unsung Hero Award

Amount: $500 

The Jeff Bausch Unsung Hero Award is an annual award to a graduating senior student-athlete from the Sachem Ice Hockey program judged to exemplify best the qualities of sportsmanship, competitiveness, intelligence, and work ethic. 

The award is named in honor and memory of Jeff Bausch, who played for Sachem Ice Hockey for four years from 1997 to 2001 and passed away on November 2, 2022. Jeff was the ultimate teammate, leader, and competitor who loved the game of hockey, whether he was playing or watching his favorite team, the New York Rangers.  He played hockey recreationally after high school on various men’s league teams. He taught his boys to play the game, taking them ice skating at the Rinx in Port Jefferson Village or practicing stick handling and shooting in their driveway.  

Criteria:  A graduating senior student-athlete from the Sachem Ice Hockey program must meet the following eligibility criteria to be eligible for the Jeff Bausch Unsung Hero Award.  

Selected By: The Sachem Ice Hockey Board and Coaching Staff will choose the recipient. 

  • Be in Good Academic Standing and in line to graduate in June 

  • Exemplifies the following qualities on and off the ice 

    • Sportsmanship 

    • Competitiveness

    • Intelligence 

    • Work Ethic 

    • Leadership 

    • Have Humility 

    • Be Humble

John Rizzo Scholarship

Amount: $500 

Scholarship to a Graduating senior who has followed in John's footsteps and given back to their Community unselfishly.
Eligibility: must be a graduating senior currently playing for the Sachem Ice Hockey Club.
You must be planning on attending a two year, four year or vocational school full time in the fall of the following school year. (12 credits or more)
The attached application must be typed or neatly handwritten.
Obtain (2) two letters of recommendation from persons that are not family members, that you volunteered your time for. These letters can not be from the Sachem ice Hockey Club. Letters must be in a sealed envelope and signed by the representative of the organization.
Write an essay no more than two typewritten pages explaining why you feel Community Service is important and what you gained from your Community Service experience.
Both letters of recommendations and the completed Application must be mailed in the same envelope to:
Sachem Ice Hockey Club
Attn: John Rizzo Scholarship Committee
PO Box 1314
Ronkonkoma, NY, 11779
Envelopes must be post marked by April 1st,
Envelopes post marked after April 1st will not be accepted.
The Rizzo family will be reviewing all the applications and making the determination of who wins the scholarship.

Todd Keleman Scholarship

Amount: $500 

On a separate piece of paper please submit a typewritten essay explaining what the Sachem Ice Hockey Club has meant to you and how you think the Sachem Ice Hockey Club has helped to prepare you for your future. Please include on your cover sheet the following:
Grade School
Class Rank
SAT/ACT score.
Years played with Sachem Ice Hockey Club
Leadership Positions held
Sachem Ice Hockey Awards won
School Awards won
Extra Curricular Clubs
Colleges applied to Colleges accepted
Include two letters of recommendation from teachers or Extra Curricular Club activities. Please submit this application by April 1st along with your essay to:
Sachem Ice Hockey Club
Attn: Todd Keleman Scholarship
PO Box 1314
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Thank you,
The Keleman Family
Envelopes post marked after April 1s will not be accepted.


2 - $500 EACH


Suffolk County High School Hockey League
Each year, the SCHSHL offers three scholarships of $500.00 each
to its graduating seniors going on to college.
– Fran Riggio Memorial Scholarship
– Richie Lowis Memorial Scholarship
– Mary Venticinque Memorial Scholarship
Each Scholarship is given to the winners at the completion of their 1st college semester.

Click Here  - SCHSHL Scholarship Application

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New York State Hockey Association
Bob Allen Scholarship
Updated  12/17/23
In 1998/99 the New York State Amateur Hockey Board of Directors established a scholarship program for its members. In June of 2000 the New York State Amateur Hockey Association named their scholarships after its long time President and Director Emeritus, Bob Allen. 
Each year at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Amateur Hockey Association four scholarships are awarded to High School or Prep School Seniors going on to college, vocational or trade school. The scholarships are awarded based on the individuals participation at school, with their community, and involvement in youth sports.  The Scholarships are for $2000 each.
The  Scholarship checks will be sent directly to the schools of the award winners.  
Posted below are the scholarship applications and the grading rubric. Note the deadline of 4/01/24 for submittals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be awarded a scholarship.Visit this website for more information and to download an application
LIAHL Scholarship

• Scholarship Application click here to fill out

The LIAHL, Inc., intends to provide up to three (3), One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) scholarships to participants in league activities who will be entering an accredited institution of higher learning (College, University or Community College where students may earn an Associates or Bachelors Degree, and the institution is accredited by the appropriate Department of Education in the state where it is located) within one (1) year of graduation from high school. The scholarships will be awarded based on the recommendations of teachers and guidance counselors at their high school and based on the quality of an essay which will be judged and graded by an accredited high school or college instructor.

Applicants must be participants in the Youth Hockey Programs of the League or member organizations and must be graduating high school seniors to apply. Recipients must enter an accredited institution during the fall or winter semester following high school graduation.
Scholarship recipients are required to show proof of attending an institute of higher learning through the submission of a letter on the institution’s letterhead indicating their acceptance and attendance at the institution and signed by an appropriate official of that institution. Scholarships will be distributed directly to the recipients upon receipt of evidence of attendance and enrollment.
All applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the following:

• Commissioner

• Referee in Chief

• Director of Public Relations

• Independent Accredited High School or College Instructor

The determination of how to award the available scholarships is based upon the following:

• The grade applied to the essay as determined by the independent instructor.

• The recommendations of teachers and guidance counselors.

• Participation in League activities.

• Public service participation of the applicant.

Upon review of the application and documents submitted by each applicant, the review committee will bring the names of the proposed recipients before the Governors of the League. The Governors will vote on the acceptance of the Committee’s recommendations and approve their selection by a simple majority vote. Governors may not vote to confirm any scholarship for themselves or any relative.
The applicant will submit an essay about what the LIAHL has meant to them.

• fill out the application above

Applications are to be sent to the Public Relations Officer of the LIAHL who is listed below:
Warren Ernst
15 Nottingham Way
Mahopac, New York 10541

PO Box 1314, Ronkonkoma NY 11779

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